Dr. Raghavan is named
Educator of the Year
by Women in Aerospace
Summer 2022
Non-Destructively Capturing CMAS Degradation of EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings through 3D Confocal Raman Renderings
Spring 2022
Characterizing particulate related degradation on high temperature ceramic turbine blade coatings within aircraft jet engines with 3D confocal Raman spectroscopy renderings
Evaluating the Effects of Sand Ingression on Novel Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Non-Destructive 3D Confocal Raman Spectroscopy
Spring 2021
Developing a 3D Printing Method to Print Stress Sensing Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring by Perla Latorre-Suarez
Effects of CMAS Infiltration on Thermal Barrier Coatings Analyzed by Confocal Raman Spectroscopy and Synchrotron High-Energy X-Rays by Vanessa D’Esposito
A Study on Phosphor Thermometry Thermal Gradient Sensitivities for Gas Turbine Environments by Johnathan Hernandez
Summer 2020
Inside the Engine Environment: Synchrotrons Reveal Competing Influence of Thermal and Mechanical Loads on the Strain of Turbine Blade Coatings by Albert Manero
Fall 2019
Mechanical Properties of Coatings by Electron-Beam Physical Vapor Deposition and Plasma-Spray Physical Vapor Deposition Compared Using Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction by Matthew Northam
High Temperature Characterization and Defect Detection through Pulsed Eddy Current Thermography by Johnathan Hernandez
Spring 2019
Stress Sensing of Alumina-Epoxy Coatings with Varying Volume Fractions of Alumina Nanoparticles using Photoluminescence Piezospectroscopy by Nicholas Reed
CMAS Ingression Study on EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings using Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction by Zachary Stein
Phase Volume Fraction Compared Between PS-PVD & EB-PVD After Thermal Cycling Via X-Ray Diffraction by Maxwell Smith
Configurations for Luminescence-based Temperature Sensing Thermal Barrier Coatings by Quentin Fouliard
Fall 2018
Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Measurements of Thermal Barrier Coating Configurations with Rare Earth Elements for Phosphor Thermometry by Sandip Haldar
Configurations for Luminescence-based Temperature Sensing Thermal Barrier Coatings by Quentin Fouliard
Summer 2018
Raman studies on EB-PVD 7%Yttria – Stabilized Zirconia coatings with CMAS deposits by Estefania Bohorquez
Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study of CMAS Ingression in Electron-Beam Physical Vapor Deposition Thermal Barrier Coatings by Zachary Stein
Spring 2018
Fall 2017
Characterizing Hybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Using Piezospectroscopy and Digital Image Correlation by Sanjida Jahan
Manufacturing of Thermal Barrier Coatings Through Plasma Spray Physical Vapor Deposition by Taiason Cole
Summer 2017
Spring 2017
Characterization of Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 for Extreme Environments Through Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction by Lin Rossmann
Spring 2016
Mechanical Analysis of Hybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced with Alumina Nanoparticles via Piezospectroscopy by Alex Selimov
Spring 2015
Inelastic Response and Impact of Internal Cooling on Thermal Barrier Coatings via Synchrotron Study by Pascal Fouquet
Fall 2014
In-situ Synchrotron Analysis of Thermal Barrier Coatings under Thermal Gradients and Mechanical Loads by Pascal Fouquet
Spring 2014