Ashley and Greg performed summer research at Boeing Seattle
Lab Member Zachary Stein Honored With Founders’ Day Outstanding Honors Undergraduate Thesis Award
We are delighted to announce that lab member Zachary Stein has been honored with the Founders’ Day Outstanding Honors Undergraduate Thesis Award in the category of Engineering and Technology. This award is based on his thesis work focusing on the chemical degradation of high temperature ceramic coatings found within airplane engines from sand infiltration (You can read his thesis here!).
The Founders’ Day Outstanding Thesis Award is awarded to students who has completed an Undergraduate thesis and graduated with their Bachelor’s. Every year, one student is selected from each of four categories of Engineering and Technology; Social Sciences, Business, and Education; Natural Sciences and Health Sciences; and Arts and Humanities. This award is given to theses determined by the Honors Selection Committee based on the originality of ideas as well as the thesis’ contribution to their discipline and its significance to the field through comprehensive and insightful research.
Zac, along with the other recipients, will be honored during the Founder’s Day Convocation Ceremony scheduled to be held on April 7th, 2021. To read more about the award and its requirements, click here.