Ashley and Greg performed summer research at Boeing Seattle
STEM day Spring 2022
Lab members Luiz Sotomayor and Khanh Vo coordinated the Raghavan Research Group’s STEM Day outreach event with the assistance of other lab members. STEM Day is a free UCF event with the goal of fostering an interest in the exciting fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in students K-12. During STEM Day students were exposed to a variety of activities across numerous STEM related fields. The Raghavan Research Group STEM Day event introduced several groups of high schoolers to “The Balancing Act of Tensegrity.” Tensegrity is a principle of design that states that a stable structure can be created through the balancing of isolated compressed components with a continuous tensile force. The high schoolers that participated in the research groups event were given the opportunity to create their own Tensegrity structures. This activity allowed them to learn about the aerospace applications of the Tensegrity principle.