Dr. Raghavan is named
Educator of the Year
by Women in Aerospace
Raghavan Research Group displayed some of its projects at the Burnett Honors College’s second Research Match Day, held this week at UCF to encourage top undergraduate students to become young researchers in our group. Lab members Khanh Vo, Johnathan Hernandez and Quentin Fouliard Phosphor thermometry instrumentation for synchronized acquisition of luminescence lifetime decay and intensity on thermal barrier coatings, the methods for the Investigation of TGO stress in thermally cycled plasma-spray physical vapor deposition and electron-beam physical vapor deposition thermal barrier coatings via photoluminescence spectroscopy or the Measurements for stress sensing of composites using tailored piezospectroscopic coatings.
presented some of our team’s most recent research work such as the development of our novelLab Members Khanh Vo (left) and Johnathan Hernandez (middle) discussing our research at UCF’s Burnett Honors College’s Research Match Day.