Ashley and Greg performed summer research at Boeing Seattle
Category Archives Hero Slides
Dr. Raghavan is awarded Educator of the Year by Women in Aerospace
Dr. Raghavan is named
Educator of the Year
by Women in Aerospace
Lin Rossmann Honored by AIAA
Estefania Bohorquez and Lin Rossmann Awarded Fulbright Grants
Estefania Bohorquez Honored by AIAA
Dr Raghavan awarded UCF Reach for the Stars Award 2016
International Research Collaboration Award @ Univ of Sydney
ACerS Cover Story: Our High Temperature Materials Research
Gregory Freihofer, recently graduated with a PhD in Mechanical engineering wins 2nd place award at SAMPE CAMX student competition
Gregory Freihofer wins 2nd place at the SAMPE CAMX student paper competition
Stephen and Greg Spend Summer at Boeing Seattle as part of NSF GOALI Research
Stephen and Greg Spend Summer at Boeing Seattle as part of NSF GOALI Research
Boeing Research
Ashley and Greg performed summer research at Boeing Seattle
Fulbright Fellowship
Albert Manero wins Fulbright Fellowship to conduct doctoral research at DLR in Cologne, Germany