Gregory Freihofer wins 2nd place at the SAMPE CAMX student paper competition
This summer, Henry Bright is working as an intern for 10 weeks at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) as part of the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships program. He works within their Neutron Scattering Division and is focused on using neutron diffraction to characterize residual strain and stress within additively manufactured metals. This data is obtained using the High Intensity Diffractometer for Residual stress Analysis (HIDRA) at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at ORNL. Henry is using his time at HFIR to prepare a plan for implementing a furnace onto HIDRA to simulate the high temperature environment of a gas turbine engine. During our next experiment time, this will allow us to characterize residual stresses in two previously prepared Inconel 718 samples to determine the viability of additively manufactured metals for aerospace applications.