Gregory Freihofer wins 2nd place at the SAMPE CAMX student paper competition
Lab members Remelisa Esteves and Sanjida Jahan spent a week at Lumium in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands to train with optical instrumentation for their respective projects. They are collaborating with Dr. Bauke Heeg, who is developing a piezospectroscopic imaging (PSI) system for Remelisa’s Partnership for Innovation (PFI) project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as a phosphor thermometry (PT) system for Sanjida’s Department of Energy (DoE) project funded by Siemens.
Remelisa performs tests with the piezospectroscopic imaging system.
Dr. Heeg (left) and Sanjida (right) perform tests with the phosphor thermometry system.
Lumium is a sole-proprietary business, founded and owned by Dr. Heeg, that develops advanced laser and non-laser based optical instrumentation for science, engineering and industrial applications. For more information, visit