Stephen and Greg Spend Summer at Boeing Seattle as part of NSF GOALI Research
Quentin Fouliard presented at the symposium his work on Thermal Barrier Coating Delamination Monitoring via Luminescence Sensing for the session named “This is Why I’m Hot: Thermal Studies” at the 2020 Southeast Grad Symposium of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) on June 15th, 2020. Quentin also served as chair for the session on fracture mechanics a.k.a. “Achy Breaky Parts” and as a panelist to provide guidance to graduate students attending the event. The panelists discussed their personal experience through graduate school and tips to lead successful research and to start a career oriented towards engineering and academia. SEM is a professional organization for engineers and scientists in academia, government and industry that focuses on experimental methods for characterization of materials, structures and systems.