Lab members awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program at UCF

Pictured: Vanessa D’Esposito (left), Rohan Madathil (middle), and Rebecca Vollmann (right).


We are excited to announce that three of our lab members, Vanessa D’Esposito, Rohan Madathil, and Rebecca Vollmann, have been accepted into the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program at UCF. As fellows, they are awarded a $1,500 scholarship as well as a stipend for their work with the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department.

Vanessa’s research investigates 3D non-destructive analysis of a reactionary protective layering that inhibits degradation and damage from molten sand infiltration in high temperature ceramic coatings, by use of Confocal Raman spectroscopy. Rohan’s research compares data collection methodologies during mechanical testing of high-temperature nickel-based superalloys and correlates expected outcomes using simulated data. Rebecca’s research explores the thermo-structural optimization of microarchitectural design for leading edges in hypersonic vehicles. She hopes to make space travel more sustainable by creating better structures for aerospace application by increasing their structural integrity and reusability.

They will present their research at the UCF Summer Research Showcase on July 30th, 2021.

Lab Member Quentin Fouliard Presented at the 2021 ASME Turbo Expo

Our postdoctoral researcher Dr. Quentin Fouliard presented at the Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, an event hosted online by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) between June 7-11, 2021. During the conference, he presented his paper titled “Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction To Quantify In-Situ Strain On Rare-Earth Doped Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings” in the symposium on Thermal and Environmental Barrier Coatings. The paper focuses on characterizing the effects of the addition of rare-earth dopants on thermal barrier coating thermomechanical response using synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Dopant addition is very attractive for coating innovation as is allows for online temperature measurements and spectral characterization for coating structural evaluation and delamination monitoring. Monitoring capabilities have large potential to improve engine reliability and efficiency. It was found that 1.5 wt.% addition of Dy/Er dopants in yttria-stabilized zirconia has negligible impact on the coating’s response in engine operation conditions. The findings are therefore promising and encouraging to pursue the study on luminescent coatings as they seem to indicate safety and suitability of sensor coatings.

Postdoctoral researcher Quentin Fouliard received the UCF Alumni 30 Under 30 award

Our postdoctoral researcher, Quentin Fouliard, received the 2021 UCF Alumni 30 Under 30 award in a ceremony that was held online on May 20, 2021 and which recognizes exemplary young alumni. The ceremony congratulated 30 accomplished graduates who were chosen for their great professional success, commitment to helping others and track record of giving back to UCF and their local community. Quentin gained the attention of leaders in the field of Propulsion and Energy, who have cited his work, bringing attention to UCF’s standing in Aerospace Engineering. Quentin continues to exceed expectations as an early career scientist and innovator: he pursues his work on the development of novel materials and instrumentation for smart coatings for gas turbine engines as a postdoctoral researcher and he has filed three patents in collaboration with UCF. He works to elevate both his and UCF’s status as founders in technology that continues to make impact in the field of propulsion and energy. Quentin speaks fluently four languages and has served as a UCF Global Ambassador, volunteering to make the transition and adaptation process for new international students as comfortable as possible.


Our LunarMakes3D team receives multiple awards at NASA MINDS

We are excited to announce that our LunarMakes3D (LM3D) team composed of 5 undergraduate students: Perla Latorre-Suarez (lead), Vanessa D’Esposito, Rohan Madathil, Nya Segura-Watson, and Felix Morales, had the opportunity to present their work at NASA MINDS (MUREP Innovative New Designs for Space) with the objective of generating concepts and assisting NASA with the Artemis mission. On April 30, 2021, the team won the third place in the System Engineering Paper category and Honorable Mention in the Overall Design, Build, and Demonstration category. During this experience, the students had the opportunity to design and develop a 3D printing method that can autonomously print sensors to monitor integrity of space structures.