AIAA Scitech 2020

Lab members Johnathan Hernandez, Zachary Stein, and Matthew Northam presented papers at the AIAA Scitech 2020 forum at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Orlando, Florida from January 6th to 10th. The AIAA Scitech forum is an aerospace conference that invites engineers and researchers from all over the globe to present their work and observe findings from other researchers. Innovations in the fields of aerospace transportation and defense are often showcased at the conference as well.

(Pictured from L to R) Alexander Olvera, Zachary Stein, Seetha Raghavan, Johnathan Hernandez, Matthew Northam, and Remelisa Esteves.

Johnathan presented his work on corrosion detection through his paper “Simulation and Experimentation of Pulsed Eddy Current Thermography for Corrosion Detection Under Insulation.” Zachary presented his work on CMAS Infiltration through his paper “Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study of Phase Transformation in CMAS Ingressed EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings.” Matthew presented his work on PS-PVD through the paper “Comparison of thermally cycled PS-PVD and EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings’ depth-resolved monoclinic phase evolution via synchrotron X-ray diffraction” and Quentin Fouliard’s work on Temperature Measurements using Phosphor Thermometry through Quentin’s Paper “Doped 8% Yttria Stabilized Zirconia for Temperature Measurements on Thermal Barrier Coatings using Phosphor Thermometry.”

UCF Scitech Reception held on January 6th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Orlando.

(Pictured from L to R) Zachary Stein, Matthew Northam, Imad Hanhan, and Johnathan Hernandez

The University of Central Florida held a reception for Scitech on January 6th hosted by Dr. Seetha Raghavan introducing UCF to various conference attendees from both academia and industry. The reception also introduced the birth of the Aerospace Engineering Doctoral Program at UCF. At this reception, the lab members met many new and old faces such as lab alumni Imad HanHan and Dr. Raghavan’s advisor Dr. Imbrie.

Congrats to our Aerospace Engineering Graduates

We are happy to announce that lab members Quentin Fouliard and Matthew Northam graduated from the University of Central Florida this past December. Matthew Northam graduated with a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and Quentin Fouliard became the very first student at UCF to graduate with a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering. After graduation Matthew plans on pursuing a career in the aerospace industry, while Quentin plans to extend his research in the Raghavan Research Group at UCF as a post doctoral researcher to pursue his passion for aerospace materials. We would like to congratulate these two lab members for their hard work and dedication, and we wish them the best in the next chapter of their life.