Lab member Sandip Haldar presents research at the NETL conference

Sandip (pictured) presented during the Optical and Wireless Sensors session of the conference.

Sandip Haldar participated in the 2019 Annual Project Review Meeting for Crosscutting, Rare Earth Elements, Gasification and Transformative Power Generation held at Pittsburgh, PA on 9-11 April, 2019. Sandip presented the updates on the DoE-UTSR project “In-situ optical monitoring of gas turbine blade coatings under operational extreme environments” led by Dr Raghavan and Dr Ghosh. Sandip presented under the Crosscutting Research section which promotes the advancement of technologies in modeling and simulation, cybersecurity,  and high performance materials.

NETL or National Energy Technology Laboratory is a laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy which strives to create solutions to the energy problems facing the country. This is done through the promotion of research and technology development.

Lab members publish paper in Applied Optics

We are pleased to announce that our new paper is published: “Modeling Luminescence Behavior For Phosphor Thermometry Applied To Doped Thermal Barrier Coating Configurations” in Applied Optics.

Lab members Quentin Fouliard and Sandip Haldar worked on a model to predict the luminescence behavior of rare-earth doped Thermal Barrier Coatings. These temperature sensitive coatings can be used for non-destructive characterization using Phosphor Thermometry. The modeling approach presented in the paper allows for savings in manufacturing costs by downselecting the optimized material configurations. In addition, the model paves the way to increasing the accuracy of Phosphor Thermometry measurements in extreme environments by providing the precise locations in the depth of the coating where temperature measurements are made.

Watch the video discussion for this publication!


Five undergraduate lab members present research posters at SURE

Five lab members, Perla Latorre, Nicholas Reed, Maxwell Smith, Zachary Stein, and Khanh Vo, presented four posters at the 2019 Showcase for Undergraduate Research Excellence (SURE) at the University of Central Florida. SURE is an event in which undergraduates from all disciplines gain experience presenting their research and results to the students and faculty at UCF. SURE has been an invaluable opportunity as the undergraduates analyzed data, produced results and gained a deeper understanding of the scope and progress of their research.

Zachary Stein with his poster.

Khanh Vo (left) and Zachary Stein with their poster.








Zachary Stein presented “CMAS Ingression Study on EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction”; he and Khanh Vo presented “3D Printed Stress Sensing Coating on Composite Materials”. Both were assisted by their graduate mentors Sandip Haldar and Remelisa Esteves, respectively.

Maxwell Smith with his poster.

Maxwell Smith presented “Phase Volume Fraction Compared Between PS-PVD & EB-PVD After Thermal Cycling Via X-Ray Diffraction”. Maxwell was mentored by graduate researchers Matthew Northam and Lin Rossmann.

Nicholas Reed and Perla Latorre with their poster.

Nicholas Reed and Perla Latorre both presented “Stress Sensing of Alumina-Epoxy Coatings with Varying Volume Fractions of Alumina Nanoparticles”. Both were mentored by Remelisa Esteves.





Congratulations to our poster presenters! Left to right: Maxwell Smith, Nicholas Reed, Zachary Stein, Khanh Vo, and Perla Latorre.