Gregory Freihofer wins 2nd place at the SAMPE CAMX student paper competition
IRES 2019 team members, left to right: Andrew Laich, Jessica Baker, Zachary Stein, and Matthew Northam.
The 2019 International Research Experience for Students (IRES) team has been selected! Raghavan Research Group lab members Zachary Stein and Matthew Northam along with Vasu Lab members Andrew Laich and Jessica Baker have been chosen to participate in the IRES US-Germany collaboration. These students will spend the summer conducting research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) facilities in Cologne and Stuttgart. To learn more about the program, click here. Keep up with the IRES students through their blog page.
Lin Rossmann graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 2017 and is now pursuing her master’s degree in materials science.
We are pleased to announce that lab member Lin Rossmann is a winner of the “Tomorrow’s Technology Leaders: The 20 Twenties” awards for 2019, which recognizes students based on their academic performance, civic contribution, and research. The twenty winners will be honored at Aviation Week’s 62nd Annual Laureates Awards in Washington, D.C. in March.
Her award is the subject of a UCF Today article, which can be read here.
The 20 Twenties, held by Aviation Week Network in collaboration with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, are meant to recognize and honor the twenty most promising future leaders in the aerospace industry. To read the official announcement of winners, click here.
Pictured from left to right: Samuel Tucker, Remelisa Esteves and Dr. Seetha Raghavan
Remelisa spent the summer and fall semesters interning at Boeing St. Louis, where she worked with researchers to optimize the piezospectroscopic method for commericial viability. Her work is part of the NSF funded INTERN program, which allows her to perform research outside of the academic lab setting while acquiring professional development experience. Faculty mentor, Dr. Seetha Raghavan, paid a visit to the site and met the researchers there. Thanks goes to Remelisa’s manager, Samuel Tucker, for his guidance, as well as Boeing collaborators, Hong Tat and Joseph Schaefer, for their support on this project.