2018 IRES Students Announced

2018 IRES participants, left to right: Chance Barrett, Luisana Calderon, Michelle Otero, Jalime Vargas.

The 2018 IRES team has been selected! Chance Barrett, Luisana Calderon, Michelle Otero, and Jalime Vargas have been chosen to participate in the IRES US- Germany collaboration. The students will spend the summer conducting research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) facilities in Cologne and Stuttgart. To learn more about the program click here. Keep up with the 2018 IRES students through their blog page.

Three lab members present their research at AIAA SciTech Forum

Estefania Bohorquez, Sanjida Jahan, and Lin Rossmann each presented a technical paper at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech Forum conference in Kissimmee, held January 8-12. Estefania presented her topic, “Investigation of the Effects of CMAS Infiltration on EB-PVD 7% Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia via Raman Spectroscopy.” Sanjida presented “Effect of Functionalization on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (HCFRP) Composites Using Piezospectroscopy.” Lin presented “Method for Conducting In-Situ High Temperature DIC with Simultaneous Synchrotron Measurements under Thermomechanical Load.” All three are first authors.

Sanjida Jahan (left) and Lin Rossmann at SciTech.

SciTech is a significant conference in the aerospace industry with many opportunities valuable to students. In addition to presenting their research, the students attended talks and participated in networking and career-development activities.

Lin’s favorite development event was the speed mentoring session, in which senior members of the aerospace community rotated among small groups of students. “I loved getting to talk to people from very different areas of the aerospace industry. My favorite piece of advice was that your career is not linear, and you should not be afraid to explore directions that don’t seem strictly related.”

For more information about SciTech, visit scitech.aiaa.org/About.