Ashley and Greg performed summer research at Boeing Seattle
Monthly Archives August 2016
Research team welcomes the return of IRES students
The aerostructures research group welcomes back IRES students Brooke Sarley, Jose Cotelo, Zachary Crain, and Wilson Perez. The IRES team had the opportunity to do research with DLR in Germany. While in Germany Brooke and Jose worked with Selective Laser Melted materials and analyzed their properties. Zachary and Wilson worked on analyzing properties of materials that have been exposed to high temperatures and unwanted deposits. They all had the opportunity to travel around Germany and experience the culture. Since their return, the IRES team has shared the results of their work, technical knowledge gained, and overall experiences with the rest of the aerostructures team.
IRES students visit race track in Nürburg, Germany
IRES students visit The Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope