Students Participate in UCF Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence (SURE)

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Lab group members Brooke Sarley, Alex Selimov, and Ryan Hoover gained experience presenting their research at a variety of audiences from different fields at the University of Central Florida Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence.

Brooke presented the research poster “Characterization of the Microstructure of SLM IN718 Under Extreme Environments”. This poster covered experiments conducted at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory on Selective Laser Melted Inconel 718. Investigation objectives included investigate variation in phase composition along build direction as a result of SLM process, observe in-situ high temperature microstructure evolution, characterize role of heat treatment, and quantify residual stress and strain in as processed and heat treated SLM IN 718.

Alex and Ryan presented the research poster “Mechanical Analysis of Hybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced with Alumina Nanoparticle via Piezospectroscopy”. This poster covered experiments conducted by students at University of Central Florida on hybrid carbon fiber reinforced with alumina particle composites. Investigation objectives included mechanical behavior of composite during mechanical testing , to investigate the stress sensitive properties of hybrid reinforced carbon fiber composites and manufacturing steps for their improvement. 

Dr Raghavan awarded IAGS grant to develop Research abroad program in Imperial College, UK

The inaugural IAGS grant program is to initiate and support faculty developing innovative faculty-led study abroad or research abroad programs, which will offer UCF students high impact international experiences. Dr. Raghavan’s program with the Imperial College in the UK aims to provide opportunities for student engagement in high impact aerospace research.