Kevin presents at 54th AIAA Structures and Structural Dynamics Conference 2013

The AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (SDM) provides a unique forum dedicated to the latest developments in the collective disciplines of structures, structural dynamics, materials, design engineering, and survivability. Kevin repshapeimage_18resented our research group at this event which was held in Boston with a presentation on “Simulations Mapping Stress Evolution in High Temperature Ceramic Coatings under Thermal-Mechanical Conditions”

MAE Research Day features 4 presentations and 1 poster from our group

This year’s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering research day was held at the Live Oak Event Center and featured graduate sshapeimage_20tudent presentations from over 30 students. Albert served as one of the lead graduate co-ordinators of the event. Sannshapeimage_19a, Kevin, Greg and Ashley presented their research at the forum. The lunchtime poster session had several graduate and undergraduate participants. Erik and Forrest presented their poster at this event.

Drew Thomas wins award for his poster presentation as part of the UCF LEARN program

Drew Thomas Award Poster

Drew at the LEARN poster presentation

Drew Thomas spent the last 2 semesters in our laboratory  during his freshman year learning about research. This week marked the end of the LEARN program for Drew. The LEARN program at UCF is an initiative to encourage undergraduate freshmen to engage in research early within their area of discipline. Drew’s presentation was the award winner for the program and he was acknowledged for his demonstration of a great command of a challenging subject. His success is shared by his graduate mentors in our laboratory Sanna Siddiqui and Albert Manero who have nothing but praise for his efforts and enthusiasm. Drew’s words to his mentors: “Thanks for the great experience that I had over the course of the year and thank you for introducing me into the world of research.”


Erik, Forrest and Tim win 1st Place in UCF Showcase of Undergraduate Research in Engineering for Best Poster.



Erik and Forest at SURE 2013

Erik Durnberg, along with co-presenters Forrest Vaughn and Timothy Johnson, received first place distinction in the College of Engineering and Computer Science Category at the Showcase of Undergraduate Research for their poster “Piezospectroscopy for Comparing Analytical and Numerical Nanoparticle Load Transfer Theories.”

The Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence is a university wide poster presentation held annually at the University of Central Florida. The SURE event gives undergraduate students the opportunity to present the research they are working on and gives students a chance to learn more about the other research being conducted throughout the university. This is the second year in a row that undergraduate students from our lab have won first place at the event.


Sanna Siddiqui wins prestigious 2013 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Sanna F. Siddiqui was recently awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship.

droppedImage_5The NSF GRFP provides support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant achievements in science and engineering research. The ranks of NSF Fellows include individuals who have made transformative breakthroughs in science and engineering research and have become leaders in their chosen careers and Nobel laureates