Sanna and Kevin present at ICACC 2013 in Daytona


The 37th International conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites was held January 27th at Daytona Beach. Organized by the American Ceramic Society’s Engineering Ceramics Division and ACerS, ICACC’13 showcases cutting-edge research and product developments in advanced ceramishapeimage_21cs, armor ceramics, solid oxide fuel cells, ceramic coatings, bioceramics and more. The topical areas include advanced structural and functional ceramics, composites and other emerging ceramic materials and technologies..Sanna and Kevin present their research on the “Effect of Calcium-Magnesium-Alumina-Silicate on Strain within the TGO Layer of Thermal Barrier Coatings” and “Acquisition Techniques for Synchrotron X-ray Strain Measurements in Tubular TBC Specimens for Thermal Gradient Mechanical Testing”.

Dr Jennifer Jordan and Dr George Sunny from Eglin AFB, present a seminar at UCF


Along with Dr GordonIMG_0337’s group at UCF, our group had the pleasure of hosting a visit from the Energetic Materials Branch within the Munitions Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory at Eglin AFB. Dr Jennifer Jordan, internationally recognized for her research in high strain rate response of polymers and composites, presented a seminar on the “Mechanics of Particulate Composites”. Dr Sunny is responsible for the Mechanical testing laboratory for energetic materials and assists with the strategic direction for theoretical and computational efforts related to energetics at Eglin AFB. He presented a talk on “A High Strain-rate investigation of a Bulk Metallic Glass.”