Albert Manero wins Fulbright Fellowship to conduct doctoral research at DLR in Cologne, Germany
Monthly Archives November 2012
Albert and Kevin conduct pioneering in situ synchrotron thermal gradient mechanical experiments with DLR Aerospace and Argonne National Laboratory.
Albert and Kevin conduct pioneering in situ synchrotron thermal gradient mechanical experiments on thermal barrier coated specimens with our collaborators from DLR Aerospace (Germany) and Argonne National Laboratory.
Our NSF funded international collaboration with DLR (German Aerospace Center) and Argonne National Laboratory that started with a summer research experience for the UCF team in Germany comes full circle with the successful initiation of in situ synchrotron measurements at Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois. The first of a set of in situ experiments conducted under thermal gradients and mechanical loads at the 1-ID beamline of the Advanced Photon Source, the tests will capture the strain evolution within the layers of these high temperature coating systems that protect turbine blades under jet engine operational conditions.