Stephen and Greg Spend Summer at Boeing Seattle as part of NSF GOALI Research
Gregory Freihofer was given the opportunity to present two papers at the Society for the Advancement in materials and process engineering (SAMPE) conference in Baltimore this 2012. One of the papers that Greg presented “Embedded alumina nanoparticles as diagnostic coatings for structures” was awarded 3rd place for the Outstanding paper award at the SAMPE conference. Greg was able to proudly accept this award on behalf of his student co-authors Ashley Jones, Emrecan Ergin, Kevin Lautenslager, and Will Gysi and our collaborators Dr Schülzgen (CREOL) and Hong Tat (Boeing Reseearch & Technology).
Steven Scott and Will Gysi attended the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) User Meeting. World renown researchers and scientists were in attendance presenting their novel research. Both Steven and Will participated in workshops pertaining to the Advanced Photon Source and the Center for Nanoscale Materials. Steven presented his poster on “The Role of Thermo-mechanical Loads on Depth-resolved EB-PVD TBC’s – in situ Synchrotron Experiments” and Will presented his poster on “Stress-Sensing Nanomaterials using Photo-simulated Luminescence Spectroscopy.” The trip was an overall success and the experience and knowledge gained will be brought back to the UCF lab.
An outreach video made by our researchers “An Undergraduate Story” won Best Documentary in the ANL Users Meeting “Usies” Video Competition. The effort, led by Steven Scott, showcases undergraduate participation at Argonne National Laboratory made possible through our NSF funded research on high temperature coatings.It highlights the success of our undergraduate researchers and the opportunities for high impact research available to undergraduates. The video is showcased in our website video page.