Stephen and Greg Spend Summer at Boeing Seattle as part of NSF GOALI Research
Will Gysi and Kevin Lautenslager received first place distinction at the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence for their poster on “Stress-sensing Nanomaterials Using Photo-Stimulated Luminescence Spectroscopy” in the College of Engineering and Computer Science Category 1. Spencer Frank and Erik Durnberg received honorable mention for their poster on “A Theoretical Model of Load-Transfer in an Alumina Nanoparticle Filled Epoxy Matrix to Obtain Stress-Sensing Characteristics”.
The Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence is a poster presentation of undergraduate research held annually at the University of Central Florida. This showcase gives undergraduate students the opportunity to present the research they are currently working on.
Spencer Frank been awarded the NSF Graduate research fellowship. The award will support Spencer as he pursues his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley. With over 3 years of undergraduate research background in our laboratory with various contributions in areas of turbine blade flutter, piezospectroscopy and mechanics of nanocomposites, we know that Spencer is more than ready for his next endeavor. The program recognizes and supports outstanding students who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF’s mission. The GRFP provides support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant achievements in science and engineering research. The ranks of NSF Fellows include individuals who have made transformative breakthroughs in science and engineering research and have become leaders in their chosen careers and Nobel laureates.
53rd AIAA/ASME/ASME/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference: Materials Conference: This established annual conference is a widely acknowledged event that provides a unique forum dedicated to the latest developments in the collective disciplines of structures, structural dynamics, materials, design engineering, and survivability. Plenary presentations by recognized, forward-thinking invited speakers are a special feature of the conference. This year’s presentations were organized around the potential applications of structures, structural dynamics, and materials in the next generation of aircraft. Talia presented “Synchrotron X-rays Monitoring Nano-Aluminim Grain Growth of a Metal Matrix Composite under Thermo-mechanical conditions on behalf of her student co-authors, Ashley Jones and Melan Jansz.